Swiss Perio Kit, Container Cassette
Swiss Perio Kit, Container Cassette
Product SKU: SPKITCC. Description:Developed in conjunction with Dr. Rino Burkhardt, a European Key Opinion Leader, the Swiss Perio Instruments are a comprehensive set of surgical instruments specifically designed for indications in modern periodontal plastic and peri-implant surgery.
THE SWISS PERIO KIT INCLUDES:Complete Swiss Perio Kit with container cassette (2 x IMECC120)
IMS Infinity DIN Surgical cassette for 18 instruments, black IMEDIN187S
Swiss Perio Microsurgical Needle Holder Stainless Steel SPNHDPVN
Swiss Perio Microsurgical Plier Straight Stainless Steel SPTPDSSPV
Swiss Perio Microsurgical Plier Straight Stainless Steel SPTPDAPV
Swiss Perio Microsurgical Scissor Stainless Steel SPSPV
Swiss Perio Microsurgical Scissors Stainless Steel, 45 degree SPSPV45
Swiss Perio Periosteal Elevators Mod. P24G, Black Line SPP24GSPX
Swiss Perio Periosteal Elevators Mod. P24GSIC, Black Line SPP24GSICX
Swiss Perio Tissue Dissector Mod. PH2, Black Line SPPH2X
Swiss Perio Papilla Elevator Mod. PPSCHLEE Black Line SPPSCHLEEX
84 Lucas Double Ended Surgical Curette, Black Line CL84X
Swiss Perio Periosteal Elevators Mod. P24GSP, Black Line SPP24GSP2X YG7/8
Younger-Good, EverEdge, Smooth Handle Stainless Steel SYG7/8CH
Colorvue Probe Handle, Smooth Handle Stainless Steel PH6CH
Mini Scalpel Blade / Mirror Handle Stainless Steel SHDPV
5 European Style Round Scalple Handle 10-130-05E N.6
Simple Steam Mirror Handle, Smooth Handle MHE6CH
17 Dressing Pliers DP17
Q2N Color-Coded Nabers Probe
Smooth Handle PQ2NCH 12 Colorvue Probe tips
12 Replacements Tips PCV12PT
European Simple Steamn.5 Double-Sided HD
Mirror Single MIR5DSHDE