GoTo Adhesive Paste in Push Syringe
GoTo Adhesive Paste in Push Syringe
Product Code : 2A8933
Supplier Code : GTP
Now Fluoresces Under Black Light for Complete Cleanup!
\nGoTo is a light cure adhesive with superior handling properties. It does not allow bracket flotation once placed on the tooth or during flash removal. A fraction of the retail cost of leading, competitive light cure paste!
\n•Proven bond strength and consistency\n•Unique viscosity easily penetrates bracket pads\n•No bracket drift – stays in place until cured\n•New proprietary microfiller construction\n•One piece flash removal – “ropes” off bracket periphery\n•Translucent finish matches any tooth shade\n•Maximum bond strength\n•Easy removal and cleanup
\nClinical Applications\n•Bracket and tube bonding\n•Fixed lingual retainer bonding\n•Bonds all metal, ceramic and composite attachments\n•UV disclosing agent – fluoresces on tooth