For nearly 14 years I have produced & supported educational courses for Dentists, Therapists & Hygienists for dental practitioners across the UK and have also been involved in some European initiatives for education that could be rolled out globally.
One of the key challenges in that time that I have found when working for a single corporate entity was that our education had to be singularly biased towards our own companies’ products and materials.
Whilst these courses were valuable to the clinicians that came on them, we tied the hands of the very well-respected educators who were delivering those courses, and this meant that they were not a truly independent view of products and materials that the educator would use in practice when dealing with the nuances of what happens within individual clinical cases.
Creating Dental Pathway™ has been my labour of love since 2015 but the idea for it came in 2010 when looking at educational services in the marketplace, working with hundreds of key opinion leaders across the UK and Europe and speaking to dentists, hygienists, and therapists almost daily.
I felt that there were several barriers that delegates would face at the end of the educational sessions that were available.
One of the key barriers is that facilitating a new clinical pathway in practice after being on our course would require some initial investment from the clinician who is often an associate within a practice. The other is that the lack of independence in a company-sponsored educational event also felt counter intuitive not just from the clinician side but also my own as an employee of a manufacturer. Often, my hands were very tied with how much freedom I could give the educator to properly extol the virtues of all the different pieces over equipment and materials that they would use to solve a clinical problem.
The Educational Grant Programme™ is a way for the entire industry to come together to allow for independent education and also to reinvest back into education as many manufacturers already do but with a more direct approach to each of individual clinicians educational needs The educational grant programme allows course attendees who are ready to take the next step on a clinical or business pathway the opportunity to make that investment with some grant subsidisation from both dental pathway and our partner manufacturers.